Our Story
Gay Blog and Podcast
I was in my fifties, just coming out of a seventeen year relationship and the last thing I expected was to fall in love with a man younger than myself and get married for the first time.
Much to my amazement I met Aaron on Grindr the go to for sex...not relationships. ( I should be paying Grindr a finders fee....or I could have at least sent them a thank you note). Aaron was in the U.S. from Dublin, Ireland working in New York for the summer.
From our first texting I was besotted, especially when he told me he might just have to marry me. I can't lie when he told me his age, I was surprised that someone so much younger than me would be interested. The first thought going through my head was he must be crazy. We proceeded to make plans to meet at my apartment.
It was a few days before we actually met. From the moment he walked in the door I was finished. I knew it was a sex date but I could not stop myself from hoping it would be more. Aaron had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen and I am not one to notice eyes. He also had just about every trait that I look for in someone.

The first night Aaron took out a piece of paper and he wrote down all my fantasies. He said he was going to make them all come true. How many people would try and do that for you? The only problem was I lied. My biggest fantasy was to spend every minute with him. It was not until 2 and 1/2 years later when we finally met again in Dublin that we discovered we both had the same fantasy. What a shame it took us so long to be vulnerable enough to admit it.
In January of 2020 I went to visit Aaron in Dublin. We had not seen each other since the summer we first met. At the end of my trip to Dublin, I told Aaron I thought I loved him. A moment later I changed my mind and told him I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I am not sure what he was thinking when I told him. He was simply silent. We made plans to see each other again in April. As the Pandemic was getting worse I knew there was only one place I wanted to be and that was with Aaron. Since March of 2020 we have been with each other virtually 24 hours a day. I proposed to Aaron in May and in October we were married. Then in March we started our Gay Lifestyle Blog.
Between our first meeting 4 years ago and now so many things have happened. Our love for each other has grown stronger, we have learned from each other, the many funny adventures we have had along the way and the many lessons we have learned. Hopefully you find something that resonates with you and makes you want to come back and check us out.

What This Blog Is About
One of the first things anyone reading our Blog will discover is the differences in our ages. Blogs are new to me. Although I read the New York Times online now, until last year I still mostly read newspapers on actual paper and until I moved to Ireland I had actual magazines that I received in the mail. I still miss the actual paper, the ink on my fingers and doing the crosswords. I miss talking on the phone as much as I did 5 years ago.

Today I think many younger people make the mistake of believing that communicating is texting, Instagram, (although I do enjoy it,) , Twitter and Tik Tok. Aaron falls more into this category. It was his idea to start this Blog and he has been trying to teach me what a Blog is. We had been discussing a way to remember all the important times in our relationship, the fun times, the exciting ones and also the bad times if they arise.
I liked his idea of a Blog.
We both must enjoy sharing, I guess. For me putting a pen to paper is a great way to remember so many of our everyday experiences that we tend to let drift away. It is also a way to share what we have learned on our own personal journeys and the one we have now taken on together.
Since blogging is new to us we can't tell you exactly where it will go. There may be many twists and turns as we learn our way or it may completely change directions. We will be sharing many of our views on our lives, gay life and life in general. You will hear it from both of our perspectives. We both have very different stories and points of views, Hopefully you will laugh along with us, identify with us, possibly learn from us, or even agree or disagree or simply say to yourself wow I know exactly how he feels.
Please, if you do enjoy us let us know. If there is anything you would like to know ask us.
If there is something you want to tell us please do.
We hope to be here for a while with your help.
Michael and Aaron